Everyone here is family. Treat everyone kindly and with respect, the same will be done to you.
If you or your child is sick, keep them home. Training can wait until you are healthy.
Be friendly and introduce yourself to new students.
Please help the instructors keep the school and our bathrooms clean
Always wear sandals or shoes off the mats.
Please show up class on time. If you are only coming to the training session or you are late, please do not disturb the class.
If you are training after class, please stay for the duration, or ask the instructor to be excused.
Keep your Gi/rash-guard clean. If training multiple days a week, you will likely need more than one. Wash your Gi after every session.
Women must wear a rash guard during class or training.
Keep yourself clean. If you can, shower before class. Keep fingernails and toenails cut short.
Treat your training partners as family. Use care and clean technique in rolling. Do not injure your training partners.
Share what you know with other students, help each other out. Ask questions respectfully, and at appropriate times.
If you have anything you even think could be a skin infection like Staph or Ringworm, do not participate in class or training. Get it looked at and cleared up before training.
Parents, please do not coach kids. Let the instructors do what we do.